Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bl..bll....bllllo......blllllooooogggggg. Excuse me.

Got your message(s).  Good stuff.  The architecture of blogs is not conducive however.  Anyway, haven't you heard Ted Stevens?  Its not a truck!  Its a series of tubes.  Its not something you just dump something on.  Its tubes, tangled up tubes!!  I guess I feel like a blog is the 1950's Chinese gray workers tunic of the American 21st century hipster.  And thats my nice interpretation.  I don't want to drag Kierkegaard or Sartre into this or mention screaming into a void for recognition.  Uh-oh, too late...does that mean my digitally archived echo will now forever be screaming into a void...into a void...into a void...void...void...Okay, orancha glad I said banana.  

You see the problem is a fundamental--truly fundamental--one.  Its really like the back-burner, subliminal crisis and root of all neuroses.  No one writes letters to their friends.  They write blogs to the void.  Hoping for response.  Its like a SETI program for an affirmation of personal worth.  To cut out the next 500 pages, I think people need to recognize that the goal is not to be famous or powerful--leave that to the unfortunate people who have subliminated their discontent into a need for externalized affirmation--but to be happy.  Its good that there's a CIA, cause they do all the shitty, borderline immoral stuff so we don't have to.  So too with the people who sacrifice themself  for conditional love--and by the mob (not the twisting-thumbs mob, the great unwashed mob) no less.  Let the neurotics become hollywoodstarlets, corrupt (but effective) politicians, consultants at McKinsey, corporate lawyers working 90 hours/week, investment bankers.  The end-game for democracy and capitalism should be to effect utilitarian outcomes by employing efficient and practical mechanisms--meaning those who want to work 100 hours a week or wait tables for 20 years waiting for their big break should have that choice, but their fringe decision should add value to the quality of life of the person who lives their life well--i.e. balanced (is balanced or well a subjective judgement? of course, there's no other kind).  

Who cares if people see your blog?  Unless its a way to get in touch with people who share your interests.  That would be efficient.  Besides--maybe I just don't want to be another number in the Matrix.  Better to have idiosyncratic dreams than say jinx on another persons long-thought philosophy.  And besides, I want to be an investment banker.    

I assume I've sent this already?

bless the Irish.  All of me except my left arm. (and my right hand)

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