Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Surf Boat Crashes

HOLY SHIT! Those aussies ARE nuts. I like how they're basically duck-diving 25 foot boats.
Umm, its seems like there would be multiple fatalities. I guess you just drink through it.

Gets good one minute in:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Warrior Poet

Good news, the origin of my last name is "Stellwagen" which translates in German to "place-dare." I don't know exactly what that means but it sounds fucking cool.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Capitalism: the end to the means

When you know its time to walk yourself behind the shed and end it:

ps. this isn't a gag

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cops Hate Pranks

From the news:

"Jeff Ehrhardt, the quarterback for the Murray State Racers, was charged with pushing a police officerand stealing his ticket book. The university athletic director called it a "prank gone bad," but campus police aren't laughing."

smells like persona non grata to me

Friday, April 11, 2008

I guess they only draft every 8th kid

How Background People Ruin Your Photos

That pissing picture made me seriously nostalgic for those times. I mean, its obviously daytime, nice weather, no rush, early in the day, and everyone is already buzzed. You know that is the beginning of something special--probably some lawn games, a couple house parties and topped off with some sloppy sex. The early buzz/picnic days. I miss them, honestly.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Good Times

"I didn't exhale."

Monday, April 7, 2008

Kimbo vs. Boston police officer (comforting)

That just goes to show the white man always wins in the real world. Yo, whats with the little birthday hat on Kimbo's manager?!?!? Ha. Whenever I start to feel tough I should just watch that. Gannon's face got mangled! They need some freakin crowd control there though.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

iTunes tip

Ho--if you have itunes, if you select a song and then hit the "option" and "i" keys you pull up a useful screen

Friday, March 28, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bl..bll....bllllo......blllllooooogggggg. Excuse me.

Got your message(s).  Good stuff.  The architecture of blogs is not conducive however.  Anyway, haven't you heard Ted Stevens?  Its not a truck!  Its a series of tubes.  Its not something you just dump something on.  Its tubes, tangled up tubes!!  I guess I feel like a blog is the 1950's Chinese gray workers tunic of the American 21st century hipster.  And thats my nice interpretation.  I don't want to drag Kierkegaard or Sartre into this or mention screaming into a void for recognition.  Uh-oh, too late...does that mean my digitally archived echo will now forever be screaming into a void...into a void...into a void...void...void...Okay, orancha glad I said banana.  

You see the problem is a fundamental--truly fundamental--one.  Its really like the back-burner, subliminal crisis and root of all neuroses.  No one writes letters to their friends.  They write blogs to the void.  Hoping for response.  Its like a SETI program for an affirmation of personal worth.  To cut out the next 500 pages, I think people need to recognize that the goal is not to be famous or powerful--leave that to the unfortunate people who have subliminated their discontent into a need for externalized affirmation--but to be happy.  Its good that there's a CIA, cause they do all the shitty, borderline immoral stuff so we don't have to.  So too with the people who sacrifice themself  for conditional love--and by the mob (not the twisting-thumbs mob, the great unwashed mob) no less.  Let the neurotics become hollywoodstarlets, corrupt (but effective) politicians, consultants at McKinsey, corporate lawyers working 90 hours/week, investment bankers.  The end-game for democracy and capitalism should be to effect utilitarian outcomes by employing efficient and practical mechanisms--meaning those who want to work 100 hours a week or wait tables for 20 years waiting for their big break should have that choice, but their fringe decision should add value to the quality of life of the person who lives their life well--i.e. balanced (is balanced or well a subjective judgement? of course, there's no other kind).  

Who cares if people see your blog?  Unless its a way to get in touch with people who share your interests.  That would be efficient.  Besides--maybe I just don't want to be another number in the Matrix.  Better to have idiosyncratic dreams than say jinx on another persons long-thought philosophy.  And besides, I want to be an investment banker.    

I assume I've sent this already?

bless the Irish.  All of me except my left arm. (and my right hand)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Whhhaaapp, ouch

I would destroy, I mean.  And then get that poor girl some clothes.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Greetings and Salutations

Any suggestions good salutations for formal/relatively formal emails?  

I hate saying "Dear" unless I'm writing to my Grandma you know?  Especially  when you're writing to like "Filing and Collating Department."  Dear, DEAR, filing and collating department.  It sounds retarded.  I've been rotating through "sincerely" "respectfully" and "regards" for sign-offs but they all suck too.  We gotta get rid of that shiite.  Our generation should institute the "Hello" and "Thank You" for salutations, even formal.  Concurrence?

From ear to ear, left to right

The Freemasons supposedly have some phrase like that to describe how they would cut someone's throat if they were to expose their secrets.  

just remember that Teddy Boy.

secret invention of the day: two ultra-flexible mousepad-like rectangles of material.  One is the size of a small keyboard, the other is the size of a lap-top computer screen.  They can be rolled up, packed away, dropped, doesn't matter.  When all applications move to cloud-based and wi-fi is everywhere, you'll just carry these two "mousepads" with you, throw one up on a wall, and the other down on a book and you have your computer.  all it is is a screen and keyboard cause everything's on the web already.  

okay I'll get my construction paper and gluesticks, you get the crafting scissors and crayons.  Lets do this!!

ps.  I heard Gates talking about moving everything to cloud-based, but he  was talking about having computers everywhere (i.e. cafes, on the street like atm's, in taxis etc.) why not just carry your own?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hunger of many men

I'm going to the gym pretty much everyday and running for a little, lifting weights etc.  The muscle is still there.  The problem is, the rest of the day I'm just sitting on my bum and I'm still eating like I did inHawaii.  If you're only going to the gym for an hour a day there's really no need to be consuming a whole steak, a whole cherry pie, half a loaf of bread etc.  you know.  Ha.  My stomach hasn't realized that yet.  In Hawaii its like I couldn't consume enough calories most of the time.  Different in flabby mainland.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What a girl wants?

yo is it normal to have that song "what a girl wants, what a girl needs" stuck in your head even if you haven't even heard it recently?  Naw, didn't think so.  Yup, definitely don't have that song stuck in my head.  I was just checking. 

Cougar action

Are you serious beginning your email to me with "so."  I'll get you for this Theo.  

Did you ever hear the story of the 40 year old (not virgin I'm guessing) lady I "met" at Charlie's the first year I was on Maui?  It was...interesting.  We had the same birthday--I mean come on, thats fate right?  It had to happen.  

Anyway, got your text.  I'm just smoking lots of cigarettes and doing a bunch of coke to stay svelte.  No, actually I'm not drinking (meaning one or two a night as opposed to my standard 5-10) and I've been hitting the gym prob. 5 days a week.  Usually run a half mile, lift, then either hand bike or run another 3/4 mile.  So far so good.  I try to go hard on the hand-bike and just pretend I'm stuck inside with a 6 foot set about to come down on my head.  Sometimes it works but sometimes I open my eyes and see a 50 year old misshapen lady in a purple airbrushed wolf-howling-at-the-moon t-shirt (you know exactly the one I mean) with a bad red-hair dye job lackadaisically pumping a 4 pound dumbell and reading Cosmo.  Hard to pretend you're at Noriegas after that right?  Definitely not so tan anymore though.  That sucks.  aight homeboy.  Whats going on out there?

Don't say it ain't so!

Have you guys noticed that academics and internet-developer types always (or frequently) start their sentences with "so".

Like someone will ask them a question such as "Where do you think the internet will be in 2020 blah blah blah." And they'll answer either "So, the internet in 2020 blah blah blah" or "Yeah, so the internet in 2020 blah blah blah." Fucking drives me crazy.

They'll say it before like 75% of their sentences sometimes. There's no reason to say "so" to begin an sentence like this. Its like a passive-agressive condescending thing. Its like they're explaining to you where your belly-button is but in a slightly ironic way because they don't want you to punch them in the face cause it'll remind them that they used to be chubby and wear black socks to school. Fuck! I'd say I want to burn them in the face every time I hear somebody say it but that would make me sound unreasonably violent. So pretend I didn't say that.

By the way, this isn't just a rant. I'm actually curious, do you/have you heard when people say this? Ted I know I asked you already. Have you noticed it more? And please don't tell me you're saying it too now.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Rhythm, Blues, and Leadership of the Empire

I mean, its not my favorite song.  I don't know if I'd rock out to it.  Might listen to it while I'm doing some blow though.  But its great that those young people with their musical videos and microphone-sharing and sign-language-singing are interested in politics again.  

Hey, and by the way--I'm pretty sure its a post-modern imperative that we vote for whoever Kareem Abdul Jabaar endorses.  I mean, have you seen his hook shot?  Didn't you see him in Airplane?  And he's got a mean kung-fu stylee!  VP

Youth of a Nation

Turns out Big Brother is really Little Brother.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Face thy fear, grasshopper

after you have thoroughly purified yourself and your mind is right...

go to itunes and type in "Schwarzennegger" (however you spell it) and "its raining men."  

"that which does not kill us makes us stronger" 

"Nietzsche is Dead"

Saturday, February 9, 2008

"Baio" Fuels

I think the thing is that first of all they are clearing land (killing trees) to grow the raw products and then you need to use conventional fuels to run the refineries, then to transport the shit etc. making it a net loser (more goes in than comes out).  Its just not efficient enough.  BUT, I think its definitely worth being suspect regarding anyones motivation in just dismissing alternative fuels.  There are obviously and definitely big interests with a lot to lose (or gain).  Also, every new industry and even company usually has to go through a period of inefficiency/operating at a loss until organization/technology/processes etc. become more efficient.  Why would this be any different?  I agree that the answer will probably be many little things adding up rather than "THE ANSWER"--a Mr. Fusion from Back to the Future.  At least in the short run.  Improving mileage standards might not solve the problem but it gives you a small gain.  Build a few wind farms.  Build some wave farms, givetax breaks for solar panels, inflate your tires.  All the sudden, the 5% here and 3% there start adding up!

here's a good (meaning well written--its still a bit  depressing) article by George Will from Newsweek:

oh yeah, and my alternate plan?  Put Scott Baio on a treadmill hooked into the grid, feed him sugar and cocaine, hook him into the grid and don't let him off until we're completely weaned off fossil fuels.

Buddy can use a stationary bike.

And I get to marry the hot sister.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Who needs Halo?

Supposedly an air force hand-eye coordination training tool.  Still easier than landing in nintendo Top Gun.  I mean, I'm ten years old and just shelled out 50 bucks for this piece of shit.  Can you let me get to the second round.  Tyson Punch-Out too!  I'm fucking pissed just thinking about it.  I mean, you have to jump just to reach his head.  Reset, reset, reset.

I got 19 and change.  

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Consolation of Philosophy

What up Braddah.  I'm not ready to leave NY yet...I just wonder if its ready for me!!  So much BS surrounding job-hunting, as I'm sure you know.  Hopefully, I can just get something until September and then start school.  If I don't get into any schools then its gonna be a bummer.  Oh well, I'll persevere.  I do love Cali.  My sis lived in SF for a few years and then moved up to Sebastapol area, near Sonoma and Santa Rosa I think.  So nice up there.  I like the whole state (except LA) from what I've seen.  People are different though--definite East Coast/West Coast difference I find.  Although where you are and SF etc. there are so many transplants and its cosmopolitan so it takes on a vibe of its own that can't properly be called Californian.  But I digress.  Or do I?  

For me, I still like NYC.  Only other place I'd think about is further east...London, ParisIstanbul.  I'd like to work for Barclays or BNP Paribas or one of those European banks when I finish one of these programs.  Don't tell anyone though--gotta keep the street cred.  Did you hear about the 31 year old equities trader at Societe Generale, the French bank?  Fucking guy was using 50 billion  to trade index futures.  His losses accumulated to about 7 billion US.  The irony is that supposedly he was actually way ahead, and then purposely tried to lose money because his gains would have exceeded his mandate--only the losses began to grow faster than he could handle.  I think if he had gone to his boss and said "Sir, I have made ze company billions of dollarz, even zo I broke ze rules" his boss would've probably said "Never ever break the rules again.  And by the way, you're promoted."  Oh what a tangled web we weave.  

In other news, you get to go skiing at all (not cocaine, the real kind) so far?  Hows the neck?  Hows Elaine?  And whats up with the therapist?  Just to talk things out or are you having problems or what?  You can talk to me man.  Seriously.  Well not talk, but write.  I studied philosophy you know.  I know the answers to the meaning of life.  The rub for me comes down to whether there is free will or determinism.  I mean, did you ever see Lawrence of Arabia: "Nothing is written" Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) says.  Because the Arabs always say "Insh'allah" (if God wills it).  This is the basic point of the existentialists: that there is no "essence" to be discovered, that existence precedes essence.  This existential freedom can cause great Angst, as Kierkegaard writes about--because we are so radically free, there is nothing to refer to to say "oh yeah, no I've found the 'right way'" etc.  Kierkegaard's answer (apologies to Kierkegaard for summarizing the philosophy he took 5,000 pages and 4 different pseudonyms to explain but) is that instead of living life freely as a libertine, chasing after a series of unrelated "experiences" we must make commitments and ultimately, make a commitment to the absurd idea that THROUGH our very choice, we create/discover Reality.  Of course Kierkegaard was a Christian.  Nietszche writes about overcoming this loss of God (of an essential, transcendent reality) through aesthetic endeavor; his point is that it shouldn't be a depressing idea that there is no "reality" or "right way" or "real self" to be discovered, but that we should be happy that we get to live our lives as our own creations.  Of course, Nietzsche eventually went crazy and lived with his mom and sister till he died.  But the idea is good. 

The thing is, all these philosophers are saying that the idea that there is no "right way" to be discovered can be a heavy and burdensome concept--as we are then responsible for ourselves and the outcomes of our lives--but the flip side to this is that we are able to live our lives as we wish to create them.  Our life can be like our own novel.  For me this is a freeing idea--if I ever feel overwhelmed I just think about myself in history or my life as a novel.  Because who wants to read a novel about someone who gets straight A's through high school and college and then works there way up through the ACME corporation and retires to Florida to golf and then dies.  Not a bestseller.  

But on the other hand from all the existential stuff, when I have deja-vu, I really think, oh yeah, there is a determinism, there is a destiny, you know?  Not to get too pop-sciency here, but all the new crazy discoveries/theories in quantum physics/string theory etc. sound similar to all this.  Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, multiple dimensions, parallel universes.  

Who knows, is the correct answer?  But good thing--what if there was no mystery??  That is Hell.  Ever see the Twilight Zone episode where the gambler "goes to heaven."  He is there, girls are easy and he wins every hand, hand after hand of cards, he keeps winning.  And then he realizes, he's not in heaven but in hell!!  Spooky.  A good piece of advice I heard recently from an unlikely source (I don't consider myself much of a Mormon), Mitt Romney said his dad told him "Do not despair, but even if you despair, work on."

I'm definitely having a bit of an early mid-life crisis here.  I mean, I don't even have a job, I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years (live-in!) and I'm living with my parents!!  Ha! Its so ridiculous, I can't even get that upset about it.  Its absurd!  But, perseverance.  Like Nietszche says "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  I definitely believe that.  Also getting laid here once in a while which always helps.  Snuck a girl I met in the bar into my bedroom on Christmas eve for a nice early morning Christmas present.  Ahhh, heathen!  I like to think of it as recreating the conception (except I'm guessing she wasn't a virgin).  

Anyway, don't mean to pontificate, its just I'm thinking about some of the same shit you are probably.  I know there is more to life than making money and a good job--I mean, thats been my modus operandi since I was about 15 years old.  But still, I'm at a time in my life, I think like even biologically, where I just want to be making dough and telling people what to do and running shit.  And instead, I'm drinking coffee and playing computer chess at my parents house on a cold rainy day when I was tan and surfing Hawaii 2 months ago.  Even so, I'm happier now than I was 2 months ago because I was frustrated there.  Work on (and rock on?).  Aight, like they say bout Makena...'nuff already!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Balance! Balance!

Dont watch this at work.  Get home, pour yourself a nice cup of something that won't stain when you spit it out and experience.

(completely inappropriate for kids or most self-respecting individuals)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

"I am a strong man"

Because no cerebral blog is complete without a little Will...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

In the beginning, there was.....

What's the point of this blog, you ask? Why do people even blog to begin with? Well, I'm not going to answer those questions, but I will tell you this:

This blog will be a collection of thoughts of a buddy of mine - we'll call him John Stillwaggon. All posts will be his words, not mine, because really if I wanted my own blog, I'd have it. And this isn't it. So consider me a modern day William Sydney Porter, only not as clever, concise, or original.

Read on, may you enjoy my musings, and feel free to comment as you like.

~ ted

PS. ** Correction ** not "my musings", they're John's. Just wanted to be clear on that.